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Tech Talk: Famous Outages, and How To Not Have Them

This Wednesday at 6:00 PM, I’ll be giving a talk on server monitoring at Box headquarters in Los Altos, California. If you’re in the area, it should be fun. If not, we’ll be posting the video on YouTube later. Register (it’s free!) at:


Your company is growing rapidly and becoming more successful every day. You have a team that actively does server monitoring. Or maybe you are still too small to dedicate resources to it. You think you are prepared for the worst… and then seemingly out of the blue, your site goes down and it feels like the world has ended. What do you do? What went wrong? How could you have prevented it?

Steve Newman knows this pain. In this talk, he will discuss going beyond the basics of server monitoring: to detect subtle problems before your users do, to use forensic techniques for chasing down non-reproducible bugs, to actively do capacity planning, and more.

The talk will be built around a series of postmortems of real-world incidents, some of which made the newspapers.

Come hear one of the founding fathers of Google Docs talk at Box!