Row vs Column-Oriented Databases | SentinelOne

November 2016 Product Updates: All in on the New UI…

Our new UI is now the default

We flipped the switch, and our new UI is now the default. The original UI will still be available for a while, but to access it, you’ll have to click on the settings menu (upper-right corner of the window) and choose “Flip To Classic UI”.
If there’s a reason you prefer our original UI, please let us know! We’re working hard to make this an easy transition.

The log timeline chart now includes both line and bar graphs

By popular demand, we’ve superimposed the old “events per second” line graph over the bar chart. This allows you to see fine-grained spikes and changes in message frequency. Note that the Y axis is scaled for the bar chart only.

Time comparison graphs

Scalyr's Time Comparison Graphs
You can now superimpose old and fresh data in a single graph, making it easy to see day-over-day or week-over-week changes in your metrics.

Filter shortcuts

Scalyr's Time Comparison Graphs
We’ve added some shortcuts to make filtering field values much faster. When viewing field details from the left navigation bar, you can quickly filter for “equals” (==) or “not equals” (!=) by clicking on one of the new shortcuts.
When viewing details from the Inspect Fields pop-up (from a log line), additional filter options – “less than” (<) and “greater than” (>) are also available.

Unique-value counts in reports

We’ve added an “estimateUniqueValues” operator to dashboard reports. This provides an estimate of the number of unique values in a field. For instance, applying this operator to an IP address field gives the number of unique IP addresses matching your query. The estimate is accurate to within roughly 1%.

Attach descriptions to your API tokens

If you’ve created multiple API tokens for uploading logs or other purposes, you can now attach a description to each token on For now, you need to use our API to specify tokens. Use this command line:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
-d '{"tokenToEdit":"XXXXX","label":"label goes here","token":"YYYYY"}'

For XXXXX, insert the token for which you’re specifying a description. For YYYYY, insert any “Write Configuration” token from