What is BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)?

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is attractive to attackers. Learn why BPOs are targeted and how to secure these operations effectively.
By SentinelOne December 12, 2022

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) offers numerous advantages, but it also presents unique cybersecurity challenges. This guide explores why BPOs are attractive targets for cyber-attacks and the potential risks involved.

Learn about the importance of securing outsourced processes, protecting sensitive data, and implementing robust security measures. Discover best practices for managing cybersecurity risks in BPO arrangements. Understanding these risks is crucial for organizations that rely on outsourcing.

Why do Companies Commonly Use BPO?

Companies commonly use business process outsourcing (BPO) for various reasons. One of the main reasons is cost savings. Companies can take advantage of the service provider’s specialized expertise and often lower labor costs by outsourcing certain business functions or processes to a third-party service provider. This can help the company reduce operating costs and improve its bottom line.

Another reason why BPO is commonly used is to improve efficiency. BPO service providers are typically experts in the specific business functions or processes they handle. They often have the necessary infrastructure and resources to perform the work efficiently and effectively. This can help the company streamline its operations and free up its internal resources to focus on other business areas.

BPO can also help companies access new markets and technologies. Companies can take advantage of lower labor costs and access new markets and customers by outsourcing certain functions or processes to a service provider in a different country. Additionally, BPO service providers may have access to the latest technologies and innovations in their field, which can help the company stay competitive and improve its operations.

What Kind of Services Can BPO Provide?

BPO can include a wide range of services, such as:

  • Customer support: BPO service providers can handle customer inquiries and complaints, provide technical support, and manage customer accounts and orders.
  • Data entry: BPO service providers can perform tasks such as transcribing information from paper documents into digital formats, verifying and cleaning up data, and maintaining databases.
  • Payroll processing: BPO service providers can handle all aspects of payroll processing, including calculating employee salaries and benefits, preparing and distributing paychecks, and managing payroll tax compliance.
  • Accounting: BPO service providers can perform various accounting tasks, such as preparing and filing tax returns, reconciling bank statements, and preparing financial reports.

These are just some examples of the types of services that BPO can include. BPO service providers can offer a wide range of services depending on their expertise and the needs of their clients.

Why BPO Companies are Attractive Targets for Hackers?

Business process outsourcing (BPO) companies are often attractive targets for hackers because they handle sensitive information for their clients and may not have the same level of security as the companies they work for. BPO companies often store and process large amounts of data for their clients, including personal and financial information. A successful attack on a BPO company can potentially provide access to a large amount of sensitive information from multiple clients.

Additionally, BPO companies may be seen as easier targets because they often operate in countries with less developed cyber security infrastructure. This can make it easier for hackers to gain access to BPO company systems and data and can make it harder for BPO companies to detect and respond to attacks.

BPO companies are attractive targets for hackers because they handle large amounts of sensitive data and may have weaker security measures, making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

BPO Companies Targeted by Cyberattacks: Examples

There have been several instances where cyberattacks have targeted business process outsourcing (BPO) companies.

One example of a BPO company targeted by a cyberattack is Wipro, an Indian company that provides IT and business consulting services. In 2019, the company was targeted by a group of hackers who used sophisticated phishing techniques to gain access to the company’s systems. The hackers could steal sensitive data and demand a ransom from the company.

Another example is Cognizant, a US-based BPO company targeted by the Maze ransomware group in 2020. The attackers could gain access to the company’s systems and encrypt a large amount of data, which they threatened to release unless the company paid a ransom.

These are just a few examples of BPO companies targeted by cyberattacks. BPO companies need to have robust cybersecurity measures in place to protect against these threats and prevent sensitive data from being compromised.

Is A Cyber Attack On A Business Process Outsourcing BPO A Supply Chain Attack?

A cyber attack on a business process outsourcing (BPO) company could be considered a supply chain attack. A supply chain attack is a type of cyber attack that targets a company’s supply chain, to gain access to the company’s systems or data by exploiting vulnerabilities in the supply chain. In the case of a BPO company, the supply chain would consist of the BPO company and its clients, and a supply chain attack could involve targeting the BPO company to gain access to the sensitive data it handles for its clients.

In general, a supply chain attack can be any type of cyber attack that targets a company or organization in the supply chain to use that attack as a stepping stone to gain access to the targeted company’s systems or data. This can include attacks on BPO companies and other types of organizations that are part of the supply chain.


In conclusion, business process outsourcing (BPO) is a valuable and widely used practice that can help companies reduce costs, improve efficiency, and access new markets and technologies. However, BPO companies are also vulnerable to cyber attacks, which can have serious consequences for the BPO company and its clients. BPO companies need to improve their security and protect themselves from these threats. By implementing strong security measures and working with managed security service providers (MSSPs), BPO companies can reduce their risk of being targeted by hackers and protect the sensitive information they handle for their clients.


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