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How are you doing “observability”?

In today’s world of complex code and deployment, people on the DevOps front line face challenges in monitoring, alerting, tracing distributed systems and log aggregation/analytics. Jointly, these are often called “observability” (reference: Twitter blog).

These are challenges faced by multiple groups like DevOps, core engineering teams and Web 2.0 developers. We see concerns in web applications and traditional enterprise applications. We foresee even more issues in emerging spaces like IoT, event-driven design and microservices.

And as is usual in most complexity-bound problems, there are a lot of ways to solve these challenges. These include the use of discrete tools and procedural methods. Such approaches often cause gaps and leave edges uncovered. After all, the matrix of product types and usage (use cases) are large and growing and the need and scale are also increasing.

So, what do you think about observability? Scalyr is hosting a short survey to find what the current state of observability is. The survey looks are several areas, including tools and related issues and we invite you to chime in with your thoughts. While the survey is the best place to express your views, feel free to leave us a comment on this topic.

Please take the survey (at https://bit.ly/2JKezDb), and you can opt-in to get a copy of the results.