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A New Look for Server Log Monitoring

As engineers, we take pride in building tools for ourselves and others like us. Since our launch, we’ve been continually expanding and improving the capabilities of the Scalyr devops tools in response to our customers. However, our documentation sometimes lagged behind — until now.

We’ve introduced a new look and structure for our public site and documentation. The homepage now helps you understand the benefits of our log monitoring tool, the list of features shows you exactly what it does, and the documentation section helps you get started.

We also wanted to help you and your team get more out of Scalyr in less time. That’s why we completely overhauled our documentation, making it easier to:

  • Get started.
    New getting-started guide and introductory section helps you start using Scalyr and on-board your team sooner.
  • Find what you need.
    Vastly improved navigation helps you find answers faster.
  • Get the full power of Scalyr.
    Use the new solutions section to get step-by-step guides for specific tasks, from Display basic server metrics to Manage groups of servers.

As with everything we do, our goal with these updates is to help you be a better DevOps engineer. If you have feedback about our new look or content, or there’s additional information you’d like to see, we’d love to hear from you! Get in touch with us or leave a reply below.