What is Bitbucket Secret Scanning?

Scan your Bitbucket secrets, eliminate hardcoded credentials, and rotate your secret keys regularly. Bitbucket Secret Scanning tools will take your secrets management to the next level and elevate cloud security measures.
By SentinelOne July 31, 2024

Bitbucket from Atlassian is an industry-leading version control and collaboration platform, enabling teams to easily host their code in Git repositories while streamlining development processes more smoothly than ever.

As code is deployed and changed, an inherent danger remains of accidentally exposing sensitive information like passwords, API keys, and confidential credentials. Secret Scanning is the sentinel here by regularly scanning repositories to detect inadvertent leaking.

We will walk you through Bitbucket Secret Scanning from its core functionality to understanding its importance, using it successfully, recognizing its limits, and using SentinelOne effectively. We’ll explore how SentinelOne could become your trusted cyber security partner and protector!

What is Bitbucket Secret Scanning?

Bitbucket Secret Scanning is an integrated feature within Bitbucket to monitor and assess code changes as they happen in real-time. As developers commit and push changes into repositories, this scanning mechanism analyzes this data, looking for patterns matching API keys, OAuth tokens, or database credentials as developers make their changes available for review.

At its heart lies advanced pattern recognition techniques. Not content to find plain text secrets, the scanner uses heuristics, regular expressions, and known secret structures to quickly identify potential exposures and minimize false positives and false negatives for an effective detection mechanism minimizing false positives and false negatives.

Bitbucket Secret Scanning provides services and platforms with support to efficiently identify secrets from multiple third-party services and platforms, flagging potential secrets that it finds as well as providing tools and suggestions on how best to handle their exposure, helping developers take rapid action against exposures quickly in their codebases and secure it efficiently.

Why is Bitbucket Secret Scanning Important?

Security can often take second place to functionality and delivery speed in software development projects, yet even minor exposure of sensitive information could have disastrous repercussions for businesses, ranging from data breaches to financial losses. With Bitbucket Secret Scanning as its safeguard, proactively detecting vulnerabilities before they become critical threats is our objective.

Every commit or push made without such a scanning mechanism is like shooting blind; you don’t know the potential exposures lurking within. Bitbucket ensures these accidental leaks are immediately identified and addressed to strengthen code security layers.

Five Key Takeaways of Bitbucket Secret Scanning:

  • Data Security: With secret scanning, sensitive information like API keys or database credentials will remain protected against unauthorized access and potential data breaches.
  • Compliance with Data Privacy Law: Protecting personal data is both best practice and a legal obligation for many companies. Secret scanning helps businesses comply with data protection regulations.
  • Reputation Management: Data breaches have the power to damage an organization’s trustworthiness; by actively recognizing and rectifying exposures, organizations can preserve their brand trustworthiness.
  • Cost Efficiency: Resolving vulnerabilities after they’ve already happened can be more expensive than taking proactive measures like secret scanning to reduce risks. Secret scanning acts as an efficient cost-cutting measure against future breaches.
  • Developer Productivity: With real-time feedback on potential vulnerabilities, developers can address problems instantly rather than backtracking and debugging later.

How to Use Bitbucket Secret Scanning?

Bitbucket Secret Scanning is an integrated security tool built specifically to bolster the protection of your codebase. This process involves scanning code for potentially sensitive material like tokens, passwords, and private keys, which may have accidentally become embedded during development.

Once potential secrets are detected in new commits, immediate notifications are immediately distributed – not only to those responsible but to all parties involved with that particular commit history as well. Even without configured mail servers in place, Bitbucket maintains an audit log that records detected secrets – this log can be accessed through the administration section and saved as files on the system.

  1. Customizing the Secret Scanner
  2. Resolving Detected Issues
  3. Tracking and Monitoring Leaked Secrets
  4. Fine-Tuning and Reducing False Positives

1. Customizing the Secret Scanner

By default, the Secret Scanner uses predefined patterns to scan your repositories. While these should detect most generic secrets efficiently, there’s still room to customize their behavior if required:

  • Rule Modification: From within System, Project, or Repository settings, you can enable Secret scanning and create or alter existing rules using regular expressions for Line patterns or Path patterns – when both patterns are specified simultaneously, the scanner only searches those paths specifically mentioned for that pattern.
  • Allowlist Customization: Allowlist customization allows for the definition of allowlists, which prevent certain matches from activating notifications, making this method ideal when bypassing patterns that do not contain anything secret yet are mistakenly flagged by scanner rules. Just as with scanner rules, allowlist rules may also be customized as necessary, yet any match occurring before an allowlist rule takes precedence over scan rules.
  • Exclusion From Scanning: At both global and project levels, you have the power to exclude certain repositories from being subject to secret scanning; any new commits from those repositories won’t be subjected to scanning at this time.

2. Resolving Detected Issues

Once detected by the scanner, any secret is to be considered compromised and invalidated immediately on their original platform and replaced accordingly. Removing them from Git history alone won’t do; any remnants may still linger within other branches, pull requests, or copies stored locally – thus, it is recommended to revoke it directly at its source for best results.

Administrators may wish to adjust the scanner settings if false positives arise; this might involve revising regex patterns, specifying specific file paths for scanning, or creating allowlists that only mention patterns that don’t belong as genuine secrets.

3. Tracking and Monitoring Leaked Secrets

Bitbucket Secret Scanning provides a proactive monitoring solution, recording instances when secrets are detected – even without email servers set, therefore ensuring no instances go undetected by its system.

Bitbucket provides an easily accessible audit log via its administration interface, making it simple for you to locate alerts about detected secrets by filtering log entries. Each secret detection record offers details like node ID, method used and commit ID of its creator, and information such as its path or specific rule that triggered detection.

Bitbucket provides access to raw data via its audit.log file located at $BITBUCKET_HOME/log/audit for those requiring raw access or who require monitoring tools integrations, making each alert’s JSON record readily parseable or integrated with third-party monitoring tools for ease of analysis and understanding. Each secret detection event in this file has the auditType key “Secret detected,” making identification easier.

4. Fine-Tuning and Reducing False Positives

One key goal in using Secret Scanning is striking a balance between vigilance and accuracy – so as not to miss any genuine secrets while at the same time not overwhelming operational efficiency with too many false positives that divert focus away from more pressing matters.

Modifying Secret Scanning Rules: If your scanner seems overzealous or inaccurate, its behavior can be altered accordingly. Modifying regex patterns often helps fine-tune their sensitivity; large regex patterns might catch too many strings as possible secrets, and false positives may arise due to overzealous scanning rules.

Limit Scanning Scope: If certain files or directories tend to generate false positives and don’t pose genuine security threats, path patterns provide the flexibility required to exclude them from scanning.

Employ Allowlists: Allowlists can be an extremely effective tool for specifying what patterns should not be treated as secret. If an issue keeps cropping up incorrectly, adding it to a project or repository level allowlist can ensure it won’t trigger notifications in the future.

Best Practices for Secret Management

In an increasingly interconnected digital landscape, safeguarding sensitive data is paramount. Secrets such as API keys, passwords, and tokens play an essential role in protecting the operations of any organization – with automated tools like Bitbucket Secret Scanning being particularly effective at detecting leakage, while foundational practices of secret management strengthen security.

  1. Centralize Secret Management
  2. Regularly Rotate Secrets
  3. Limit Access and Use Role-Based Permissions
  4. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  5. Audit and Monitor Secret Access

1. Centralize Secret Management

Centralizing secret management gives organizations a methodical, consistent way to handle sensitive information. With one central source of truth, tracking, managing, and updating secrets become much simpler – significantly decreasing errors or oversights that might otherwise occur. Centralized systems offer many proven strategies that enhance security, such as role-based access controls, secret rotation schedules, and detailed audit logs – which all work to strengthen secret security. 

Conversely, decentralized systems could result in redundancies, oversights, and inconsistency when handling sensitive materials. Furthermore, as management becomes more scattered, it becomes harder and harder to apply security standards consistently across various storage sites for information storage purposes.

2. Regularly Rotate Secrets

Rotating secrets periodically is an integral component of cybersecurity, helping organizations ensure even if one or more secrets become compromised, their lifespan and misuse potential are limited. Rotation tools further automate this process while eliminating administrative burden and human error; making sure secrets are updated at regular intervals so malicious entities are less able to exploit them even if they gain access.

3. Limit Access and Use Role-Based Permissions

Adherence to the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) can significantly lower potential security vulnerabilities. This strategy involves only giving those requiring access (based on their roles) access. By restricting who gains entry to information or secrets, inadvertent leakage or intentional misuse is significantly decreased, significantly decreasing risks and vulnerabilities associated with leakage of secrets or misuse by unintended third parties.

Setting permissions alone isn’t enough, however; regular reviews and adjustments should occur to ensure they align as roles change or evolve, thus eliminating access points that would otherwise become vulnerable and further strengthening secret security.

4. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Password authentication can sometimes fall short in safeguarding security; adding another layer through multi-factor authentication increases this hurdle significantly and ensures even if malicious actors get past that initial defense layer, they still face another authentication barrier – providing added peace of mind and additional layers against attackers.

The second layer typically comprises something the user possesses or inherits, such as their phone, or is something inherent, such as their fingerprint, such as facial recognition. By simultaneously creating two barriers of protection, unauthorized individuals find it increasingly challenging to gain entry if one secret is compromised.

5. Audit and Monitor Secret Access

Monitoring who accesses which secrets at what time and why can provide invaluable insights into system health. Regular auditing and monitoring of secret access helps identify any anomalies, providing early warning signals of breaches or misuse of sensitive information.

Deliberate logs provide organizations with an effective deterrent against discrepancies while simultaneously equipping them to act quickly in the event of discrepancies. An accessible trail of activities enables easy tracing of issues and culprits for more efficient remedial action. Furthermore, their mere existence may deter internal actors from any misadventures within.

Challenges and Limitations of Secret Scanning

  1. False Positives and Negatives
  2. Scalability Issues
  3. Integration with Diverse Environments
  4. Maintenance and Updates

1. False Positives and Negatives

False Positives and Negatives: One of the primary challenges associated with secret scanning is false positives, where an automatic system mistakenly flags an object as confidential when, in reality, it isn’t. Such misidentification may cause unnecessary alarms to sound as well as wasted investigation resources wasting away efforts at solving it all over. 

Conversely, false negatives are equally detrimental when genuine secrets go undetected during scanning processes, creating false security for extended periods and leaving your organization open to compromise and malicious exploitation by attackers.

2. Scalability Issues

As organizations expand and their repositories, projects, and codebases multiply, the ability of secret scanning systems to scale becomes more of an issue. A system designed for smaller setups might struggle with maintaining accurate results as data volumes grow rapidly – leading to longer scanning durations, potential overloads, or system downtimes resulting in longer scanning durations than originally projected if growth exceeds efficiency and accuracy expectations. 

Therefore secret scanning tools must be constructed with these considerations in mind for long-term reliability.

3. Integration with Diverse Environments

Modern tech environments are extremely diverse, consisting of various platforms, languages, and tools that need to work harmoniously together. Ensuring a secret scanning tool seamlessly integrates across these various ecosystems can be a significant challenge; failing which could result in gaps in scanning coverage that increase vulnerability risks; Moreover, complex integrations increase administrative overhead by necessitating regular maintenance adjustments to keep scanning effective across platforms.

4. Maintenance and Updates

Due to rapid tech evolution, secret scanning tools need frequent updates in order to remain effective. Updates may include responding to new coding practices, emerging threats or changes in technology stacks – yet doing this regularly requires resources as there can be issues post-update that affect its functionality; organizations must master rolling out updates in a way that doesn’t impact ongoing operations in order to remain compliant.

How SentinelOne can help in Bitbucket Secret Scanning?

Protecting sensitive information and safeguarding secrets are paramount in an ever-evolving digital landscape. SentinelOne provides an effective solution by employing features designed specifically to reduce risks related to secret leakage while strengthening overall repository security.

  1. Cloud Credential Leakage Detection
  2. Validation and Verification of Secrets
  3. Native Integration and Policy Enforcement
  4. Blacklist and Custom Monitoring Capabilities

1. Cloud Credential Leakage Detection

SentinelOne excels by offering real-time detection of cloud credential leakage leaks involving IAM keys, Cloud SQL credentials, and Service accounts leaking onto public repositories or maliciously leaked to third parties – helping organizations prevent breaches and unauthorized access. SentinelOne offers this detection as the key defense mechanism against vulnerabilities present within cloud credentials that provide access to vast quantities of data and resources; early detection through SentinelOne often provides organizations with the first line of defense against such vulnerabilities.

2. Validation and Verification of Secrets

SentinelOne provides more than simple detection; it offers a comprehensive solution by validating secrets to reduce false positives and ensure your team doesn’t waste time searching for non-issues or harmless data, giving more attention to genuine threats. Furthermore, its dynamic verification capability grants users instant verification of exposed secrets, providing clarity about the severity of the leak and leading to immediate action against threats. SentinelOne can detect up to 750+ different types of secrets across private repositories and validate them. It enables secrets rotation as well for hybrid and multi-cloud environments for their secure management.

3. Native Integration and Policy Enforcement

With SentinelOne’s seamless integration into popular DevOps tools such as Github, Gitlab, and Bitbucket Cloud platforms like Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket Cloud environments like Gitlab or Bitbucket Cloud environments ensuring it acts like a native component in your DevOps cycle, users are empowered to define and enforce effective policies – for instance, preventing commits containing secrets being made public unwittingly via pull requests containing such secrets being blocked at source to stop accidental leakage immediately! Such real-time detection responses safeguard your codebase from unintentionally being exposed.

4. Blacklist and Custom Monitoring Capabilities

SentinelOne provides customers with blacklisting and customizable monitoring features to meet every organization’s specialized needs and preferences, with each entity possessing unique requirements for monitoring. Recognizing this, SentinelOne allows organizations to tailor monitoring to suit individual business processes by blacklisting specific secrets that do not need monitoring – this feature operates behind the scenes without ever being visible to end-users, providing increased customization. 

5. Singularity™ Cloud Native Security

Singularity™ Cloud Native Security offers an agentless CNAPP and Offensive Security Engine that can take fast action on the latest threats. SentinelOne provides verified exploit pathways to supercharge your team’s efficiency and provides instant and full visibility across your entire cloud estate. CNAPP offers exclusive features to deliver comprehensive protection such as – Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), secrets scanning, IaC scanning, Kubernetes Security Posture Management (KSPM), Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP), Cloud Detection & Response (CDR), Cloud Data Security (CDS), and more. It can eliminate Active Directory threats, fileless attacks, malware, ransomware, and zero-days.  SentinelOne also enhances your multi-cloud compliance and provides support for several industry regulations such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, ISO 27001, NIST, CIS Benchmark, and others. The platform delivers CI/CD integration support, Snyk integration, and features patented Storyline technology to empower organizations with rapid threat hunting capabilities and AI-driven incident response and detection.


Security remains important to businesses and developers in today’s rapidly evolving digital environment, both from an accidental leakage standpoint and potential malicious attacks from threats like SentinelOne’s intrusion detection service. Although Bitbucket Secret Scanning provides a strong starting point, tools like SentinelOne are key in providing comprehensive defense measures against breaches.

SentinelOne provides more than a response; it acts as a preventive. With cutting-edge features and tailored solutions designed to safeguard digital assets, SentinelOne stands ready as the cornerstone of your defense strategy against their integrity and safety threats.

Your Cloud Security—Fully Assessed in 30 Minutes.

Meet with a SentinelOne expert to evaluate your cloud security posture across multi-cloud environments, uncover cloud assets, misconfigurations, secret scanning, and prioritize risks with Verified Exploit Paths.