Inside Malicious Windows Apps for Malware Deployment
Learn how threat actors manipulate Windows to install malicious apps that are trusted by the system, and how to defend against them.
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Learn how threat actors manipulate Windows to install malicious apps that are trusted by the system, and how to defend against them.
Visualizing data is integral to threat research. See how we used this timeline analysis tool to track activity in the Ukrainian cyber conflict.
Two high-severity flaws in popular end user security tools allow attackers to elevate privileges and compromise devices.
A must-read for fuzzing fans, this post gives a detailed look at the advanced techniques used in our recent discovery of multiple bugs in Defender for IoT.
As if IoT & OT aren't hard enough to defend, we dive into five critical vulnerabilities in Microsoft Defender for IoT that leave the door wide open.
In the next part of our series on reversing macOS malware, we dig into identifying reused code across malware samples for hunting and detection.
How we used Brick to discover six different vulnerabilities affecting HP laptops' firmware
In Part 5 of our ongoing series on UEFI security research, we dive into the fascinating world of hunting and exploiting SMM vulnerabilities.
Learn how to dive into JIT compilers in JavaScript engines and follow along as we find a new set of exploit primitives in this previously patched bug.
SentinelLabs has discovered a high severity flaw in NetUSB which could be remotely exploited to execute code in the kernel.